Hello and welcome to my website which is build around my entire Opeth and related collection.
**The website is far from complete at the moment, but working on it, and adding stuff almost every day.**
I have devided the menu in to multiple sections:
- Newest Addition: here you can find my lastest additions to the collection.
- Opeth: my collection of cassettetapes, cd's, vinyls. dvd's, blu-rays. Official and non-official;
- Side Projects: my collection of cassettetapes, cd's, vinyls. dvd's, blu-rays of projects each member
is or was involved in;
- Merchandise: my collection of shirts, promomaterials, books, etc.
Just look around, explore, discover and most of all have fun!!
There is so much more, and the collection grows all the time.
So i advise you to visit here now and then.